Never shout what is love lyrics

My Opinion This song sounds kind of upbeat, but it's also very sad; it gets me dancing and near tears when I hear it. Such a beautiful song, with just the right dose of sadness and honesty to make it believable and easy to empathize with.

It drains me, to an extent; it wears down all those floodgates on my heart and I really feel connected to it. I'm sure it has that effect on a lot of people especially in this generation of high divorce rates. It's brilliant. Fionn on June 13, Link. General Comment i love how his songs are all pretty straightforward in terms of lyrics, but that makes them honest and beautiful. Christofer is pretty much the only artist i can think of who writes simple lyrics that i can appreciate.

I respect him and love his music soooooooo much. MissMayhem on December 30, Link. Artists - N. Rate These Lyrics. We do not have any tags for What Is Love? Why not add your own? Cristiana T. Azimut Taz Buckshank. Gustavo Rocha. Sofia Bicalho. Ranger The Destroyer. Zuzu Najwa Fuad. Javy Mikuu. Elizabeth Argaez.

Judit Gm. Marcos Palacios. Dafni Kemeridou. Anna Tsuky. Donato Barrios. Oh Yeah. We have compiled Lyrics of popular and old songs for you. You can find 1,, lyrics on our site. If you have any Lyrics that you want to be added, you can contact us. Is there something wrong? Never Shout Never lyrics 1. Time Travel 2. Mr Funny Man 3. The Modern Racket 4. Livin the Dream 5. Trouble 6. Album What Is Love? Genre: Rock Heyo! Review: RIFF-it. RIFF-it good.

Listen while you read! Add Comment. What Is Love? More Albums. Album Lyrics 1. California 2. Can't Stand It 3. Damn Dog 4.


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