Why do we keep pressuring our kids to get a degree, when jobs are moving to low-wage countries? Why would anyone hire an American accountant, when you can simply outsource the work and get a much lower price? Robert asserts that education is key, but he harbors suspicions about the learning curve which seems to decline with each generation. When Robert was just a boy, he would occasionally skip the chores to play Monopoly for hours after school.
His dad would then come along, and tell him to stop wasting his time. Between the age of , he would go to the Rich Dad house and learn the process of running a business firsthand.
The endless stream of knowledge he received from being involved in the real deal from an early age, gave him the edge in real life. The Poor Dad his father wanted the safe path instigated through college, salary, security, pension, medical benefits, etc. Now you understand why so many people are graduating from college. The standards are lowered to the degree that almost any young kid who has no clue about his future can just sign the papers without understanding the financial burden of such actions.
You cannot help but notice that parents, and people in general, try to protect their children from the harsh reality of today. As the world progresses, new expenses and liabilities will incur, leading to even greater uncertainty. You may have already requested this item. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online.
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Most of our senators and our congressmen don't either. You look at the richest guys today, they all dropped out of school. Even Disney dropped out. When you look at it, it doesn't say much for our education.
Kiyosaki: If I were doing that, I wouldn't bother writing this book! No, I'm very pro-education. I've said many times this is the most important book I've ever written.
I am pro-education. I'm just anti the system. Kiyosaki: Because parents are a product of the current system. Parents have to ask themselves, are they struggling with credit card debt? How many millions of people lost homes? If parents are supposed to teach their kids about money, what are they going to teach them -- how to handle a foreclosure?
How to get a job when everybody is getting laid off? How can parents teach what they do not know? The reason they do not know is they were brought up in the same system. Kiyosaki: Because that's what they were taught to do.
Giving the school system a break, what the school system is doing is preparing kids for the industrial age, and that age is over. The problem is the system hasn't caught up with what they should be teaching. Kiyosaki: Exactly. This whole world has changed.
This is the time in history that shifts from the industrial age to the informational age. Our school system is 50 years behind. And I think that's why we have the dropout rate, the ADD, the boredom, the lack of interest, the "why am I doing this? We have an educational problem, and the educational problem has led to an entitlement problem. When people ask me, is the crisis over, I say no, it's just beginning.
Kiyosaki: I don't think it's going to turn around. The reason I wrote this book is so people will take the initiative to teach their kids what they need to know now, knowing that their kids will have grandkids before the school system catches on. Kiyosaki: No. The problem with being an employee or self-employed is you pay the highest taxes. I make millions and pay nothing in taxes -- legally.
This is the big difference for the "C" students who are capitalists. Debt and taxes make us richer. This attitude of entitlement is rampant in our world today. All you need to do is teach your kids that money is simply a means of exchange of goods or services.
This is known as financial advice, when you should have been seeking financial education. The difference is that a financial education mindset involves looking for the right information to study so you can make good money decisions.
A good way to break your trust in the people who have given you advice in the past is to question their motives. Why would a banker or car dealer suggest you get a new house or car? If you want to get a good education about anything, you want to start by learning the language, including the words and how they relate to each other. Important words to know are debt, assets, and liabilities. Assets, for example, are anything that brings money in, like investments. Liabilities are what you own that takes money away, like your house.
I really enjoyed this book. This book is important for anyone of any GPA to help them recognize the importance of being wise with your financial education instead of just trusting what school teaches you. Four Minute Books participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising commissions by linking to Amazon.