So are you saying definitively and most definitely that GarageBand Just to be clear I am talking about GarageBand only and fully assuming the hardware would be up to it. Jan 18, PM in response to mdurg68 In response to mdurg Jan 18, PM. Thank you for confirming!!! I hope that others find this information as well, I had I tough time trying to find it. Communities Get Support. Sign in Sign in Sign in corporate. Browse Search. However, just because Garageband allows you to add tracks does not mean you should do it.
Procesisng and mixing and mastering this many tracks would take a very powerful computer. So though it is technically possible, you are likely going to struggle to workm with a Garageband project that has hundreds of tracks. This is especially the case when you have added filters and processors to your garageband tracks which take up further computer processing power.
The maximum number of Garageband tracks you can record simultaneously depends on the recording interface you are using. You can also right-click on any track header or press Option-T. Click the Record Enable button in the track header of each track you want to record to. Set the metronome and count-in to hear a steady beat while recording. To do so is relatively easy. Use the Track menu to enable multitrack recording. Clicking these buttons arms the selected tracks for recording.
The selected tracks will turn red and start recording.