How long should sprint intervals be

You recruit type I, or slow-twitch, muscle fibers when running distances or doing longer bouts of cardio. Plus, since type II fibers atrophy as you age, performing sprint intervals can help preserve lean muscle mass often lost with age. When you increase your anaerobic threshold as you do with sprint training, Fayette points out that this allows your body to work harder for a longer duration of time. Just like any exercise, there are certain precautions you need to consider before trying a sprint workout.

That said, people with these conditions may be able to still benefit from low-impact sprints by exercising on an indoor bicycle, elliptical trainer, or running in the pool.

Running sprints on a track provides a softer surface than hitting the pavement. If you have a quality track nearby, consider doing sprints there. Some fitness facilities have indoor tracks you can use. Regardless of the terrain, make sure you have supportive running shoes to perform sprints. Additionally, anyone with heart-related problems should talk with their doctor before trying sprints. Plus, those new to exercise might benefit from working with a trainer to design a sprint program.

Incorporating sprints into your exercise routine is an efficient and effective way to train your anaerobic system, burn calories, and improve the lean muscle mass in your legs.

Since these types of workouts are very demanding, you should only perform sprint intervals two to three days a week. Talk to your doctor if these symptoms continue to happen. High-intensity interval training HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with recovery periods. Here are 7 health benefits of HIIT. When we compare these three protocols together, it becomes abundantly clear just how drastic the differences are. Sprint Interval Training, from my biased perspective, looks like the easiest form of exercise, even if it does require the highest level of intensity out of the three.

The objective of this investigation was to identify which form of cardio is the most effective at reducing body fat percentage and which one does it in the most time efficient manner. The exercise regimens consisted of varying amounts of workouts per week, workout durations, etc. Each mode of exercise are effective at reducing body fat in their own right. However, SIT is the leading performer with a 2.

In comparison though, it is clear that SIT is the most effective form of cardio to burn fat. Having outperformed both HIIT by HIIT was the second most effective as this population of participants lost 1. Meaning HIIT was Over the 9. These participants spent When comparing the amount of time spent doing sprints or cardio at the highest intensity within the protocol, the difference is drastic as well.

Sprint Interval Training participants spent just over an hour sprinting where HIIT spent over 7 hours on average throughout the duration of these studies. Overall, SIT spent The major difference being that the level of intensity was at its highest for SIT.

This type of intensity training pushes what your body is physically capable of to its limits. SIT workouts were This investigation has demonstrated that SIT outperforms other forms of cardio training when it comes to reducing body fat.

Your body is constantly communicating with itself through a wide variety of feedback loops trying to maintain a state of homeostasis. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This applies directly to this comfort zone. As you push your body out of homeostasis through exercise, it has to react in an equal and opposite way in order to bring balance back to all interdependent systems within your body. It can be better visualized as being exponential growth.

On the intensity scale, sprinting is a out-of This maximal intensity leads to pushing your body extremely far out of its' comfort zone. By operating at this maximal intensity during SIT, you are producing the maximal response from your body which is what allows the duration of exercise to be so strikingly shorter than that of its counterparts. When beginning Sprint Interval Training, you want to make sure you incorporate and apply it in a program with progressive overload. This will help to ensure safety and allow you to train in a zone of maximum effectiveness as you progress.

The objective of programming is to go from a beginner in SIT, to being able to consistently workout 3 times a week where the protocol consists of 4 x second sprints with 4 minutes of rest duration. If you are a more advanced athlete with a great deal of experience in high-intensity exercise such as HIIT, you can simply start at Week From there, as you see fit, increase the intensity by reducing the rest duration, increasing the sprint duration, or increasing the number of sprints per workout.

You should also make these increases in intervals of every weeks and be sure to provide your body with the adequate rest that it needs. If you continue to show up to your workout still sore and struggling to give your maximum effort, then increase the number of rest days between workouts.

If you are one of the ones trying to lose that weight gained during quarantine , then you need to start with the proper footwear is always crucial. Some of the best training shoes can make a significant difference in your stability, comfort, and performance. It is important to match your shoe with the proper exercise as well. Weightlifting shoes are better suited for stationary exercises, like squatting. In comparison, the best CrossFit shoes will be significantly different and provide much more support for crosstraining purposes.

For those who don't want to spend top dollar on the best workout shoes just for interval training, there are tons of cheap training shoes that are rated just as well as expensive ones. Every year, there are tons of new training shoes coming out from big brands like Nike , Puma , and Reebok. But don't forget to check out smaller shoe brands as well. Companies like Inov-8 , Vibram FiveFingers , Topo Athletic , Vivobarefoot , and Mizuno may have a much smaller offering, but don't mistake that for a lack of quality.

Because of the intensity of SIT, it isn't suggested to do every day. Instead, getting out for some vigorous walking is a great option.

You can find the best walking shoes for you whether they are shoes for all-day wear, traveling, or for work. There are even great shoes for diabetics and other foot conditions such as flat feet , overpronation , or even plantar fasciitis.

Be sure to check out other great guides , articles, and studies from RunRepeat here! Sprint exercise snacks: a novel approach to increase aerobic fitness. Eur J Appl Physiol. J Strength Cond Res. Does blood lactate predict the chronic adaptive response to training: A comparison of traditional and talk test prescription methods. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. Epub Jul Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training vs.

Front Physiol. Res Q Exerc Sport. Epub Oct Comparing Time Efficiency of Sprint vs. Epub Jan 8. Cardiovascular benefits of combined interval training and post-exercise nutrition in type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Complications. Epub Nov Energy compensation after sprint- and high-intensity interval training. PLoS One. Lipid droplet remodelling and reduced muscle ceramides following sprint interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise training in obese males.

Int J Obes Lond. Study protocol for the FITR Heart Study: Feasibility, safety, adherence, and efficacy of high intensity interval training in a hospital-initiated rehabilitation program for coronary heart disease. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. BMC Genomics. Impact of time and work:rest ratio matched sprint interval training programmes on performance: A randomised controlled trial.

J Sci Med Sport. Epub Mar Potential involvement of lactate and interleukin-6 in the appetite-regulatory hormonal response to an acute exercise bout. J Appl Physiol Epub Jul 6. A systematic review and meta-analysis of interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on body adiposity.

Obes Rev. Epub May To estimate peripheral fatigue, we can measure the reduction in muscle excitability at rest by stimulating electrically their nerve and measuring knee extensor force output Bigland-Ritchie et al. A decrease in force output indicates a lower muscle excitability, which is a marker of peripheral fatigue. Furthermore, to better understand the mechanisms behind changes in endurance following SIT, we were interested in the location of the training-induced CNS changes.

Indeed, it has been shown that training can induce changes not only at supraspinal but also at spinal level Giboin et al. The data from the study of Burgomaster et al. Nineteen men volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects had no history of any cardiorespiratory or neuromuscular disease and were non-smokers.

Any form of consistent individual training routine was maintained throughout the course of the study to avoid possible effects from altered daily activity. Subjects were instructed to refrain from intense physical activity for at least 36 h and abstain from caffeine and alcohol for at least 24 h before any visit to the laboratory. This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the ethical guidelines from the Ethics Committee from the University of Konstanz.

The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee from the University of Konstanz. All subjects gave written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The present study used a randomized matched controlled pre—post design. Subjects completed two experimental trials before and after a period of either SIT or a control period without any intervention CON.

The first experimental trial consisted of a cardiorespiratory exercise test to determine aerobic capacity. In the second experimental trial, we assessed voluntary activation and peripheral fatigue of the knee extensor muscles before and after a fatiguing constant-load protocol on a cycle ergometer.

For clarity, the experimental procedures are depicted in Figure 1. In the pre-measurements, subjects were assigned to either of the two groups by an adaptive randomization procedure. Therefore, subjects were randomly allocated in batches of three to five participants to either a SIT or a CON group matched by time to exhaustion for the constant-load task.

Subjects in the SIT group performed six SIT sessions in 2 weeks, while the CON group was instructed to maintain their daily activity routine for the duration of the study. Post-measurements were conducted 5 days after the last training session.

The same temporal delay for pre- and post- measurements was ensured between both groups. Experimental trials as well as the SIT were all conducted under supervision. Figure 1. Workflow of the experimental procedures. Top: Overview of the complete study design for the SIT group. Except for the training intervention, procedures were identical for the CON group. Bottom: Procedures of for measuring neuromuscular function. After initial anthropometrical measurements, subjects performed the cardiorespiratory exercise test on a cycle ergometer Cyclus2, rbm elektronik-automation GmbH, Leipzig, Germany to determine maximal oxygen uptake VO 2 max with an online metabolic system Ergostik, Geratherm Respiratory GmbH, Bad Kissingen, Germany.

The cycling protocol started with a 6-min warm-up at a load of 60 W. During warm-up, the cadence could be chosen freely in the range of 80— revolutions per minute rpm but was then kept constant in the directly ensuing incremental ramp. Different power increments were deployed to account for variations in body weight and ensure similar exercise durations.

The test was terminated when the cadence dropped below 65 rpm or the participant stopped pedaling. During the test, only cadence was displayed as augmented feedback for the subjects.

In addition, two investigators provided verbal encouragement throughout the test, which was intensified after the subject reached an respiratory exchange ratio of 1. Blood lactate probes were taken Lactate Pro II, Arkray, Kyoto, Japan from the ear lobe directly after the termination of the protocol as well as 3 and 6 min thereafter.

Respiratory gases were collected on a breath-by-breath basis. Before each test day, the gas analyzers were calibrated using ambient air and gases of known concentration O 2 , Ventilatory volumes were calibrated before each test using a 3-L syringe. The metabolic cart and the ergometer were synchronized, and data were registered on a breath-by-breath basis. First, participants performed one WAnT after thorough instructions, followed by an orientation and familiarization procedure to the neuromuscular assessment techniques.

Subjects warmed up by cycling for 5 min at a power output corresponding to 1. This same relative intensity was recalculated during the post-measurements to induce identical metabolic strain on the body and elicit comparable perceptual responses compared to the pre-measurements. The applied load had to be sustained at a constant cadence identical cadence than in cardiorespiratory exercise test until subjects reached volitional exhaustion under strong verbal encouragement from three investigators.

The test was terminated when subjects stopped pedaling or the cadence dropped below 65 rpm. Lactate probes were taken from the ear lobe from the beginning of the test in intervals of 5 min and directly at exhaustion. Simultaneously, we retrieved rating of perceived exertion on a point scale. To ensure an adequate recovery, the SIT commenced at least 72 h after the last baseline measurement.

The protocol for the SIT was adopted from Burgomaster et al. The sequence of the number of Wingate tests performed per sessions during the 2 weeks of training was 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, and 4.

For every Wingate test, the SRM ergometer carried a fly-wheel mass of 9. The preselected cadence was set at rpm, as maximal power output has been reported to be achieved at a frequency around that value Sargeant, Forty-five seconds before each Wingate test, subjects cycled at a cadence of 80 rpm and a load of 80 W.

The start was introduced with a s countdown after which participants were instructed to accelerate as fast as possible and continue pedaling with maximal effort throughout the 30 s.

Strong verbal encouragement was given throughout the sprint. Four minutes of recovery were given after each sprint. At least 1 min before the next sprint, subjects resumed pedaling. Power data from the SRM ergometer was sampled at a frequency of 2 Hz. Before placing the electrodes, the skin was shaved, lightly abraded, and cleaned with alcohol swabs.

Two centimeters above the lateral malleolus, the right leg of the subject was connected to a force transducer A, Kistler, Winterthur, Switzerland by a cuff and a non-compliant tension belt. The cuff position was marked with indelible ink for an exact relocation during the experiment.

To restrict body displacement during contractions, the subject was further attached to the custom-built chair with tension belts at the hip with paddings and round the chest. Subjects folded their arms in front of their chest during each contraction to limit force enhancement by holding onto the chair. Before beginning the neuromuscular function assessment, participants performed a standardized warm-up protocol consisting of 13 isometric contractions at increasing intensity.

Two minutes after the warm-up, two MVCs were performed with a recovery time of 1 min between each contraction. The highest MVC was registered and taken as the highest isometric force the subject could attain. In addition, the investigators gave strong verbal encouragement during the MVC. MVCs that were conducted before the fatiguing cycle protocol and were not regarded as maximal by the subject or the main investigator were discarded and repeated.

Force data were sampled and registered simultaneously and with the identical settings than the EMG recordings. Single rectangular electrical pulses 1 ms were delivered via custom-built surface electrodes to the femoral nerve of the right leg by a constant-current stimulator DS7A, Digitimer, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom to elicit maximal M waves M max in VL. The cathode 5 cm 2 was carefully placed on the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle, and the anode 24 cm 2 was positioned on the center of the m.

The optimal electrode position was identified when a submaximal stimulus elicited a clear and pronounced biphasic M-wave signal. The position was marked with indelible ink to ensure identical electrode placement for pre- and post-measurements.

The stimulation intensity to evoke M max was identified by searching the lowest current output that would elicit the highest M-wave amplitude. The handle of the coil was oriented perpendicular to the interhemispheric fissure, with its center positioned over the left hemisphere a few centimeters lateral from the vertex. The position was marked with indelible ink on the scalp to ensure the identical localization of the MEP hotspot throughout the experiment.

To determine acute fatigue- and training-induced adaptations of the CNS, we measured voluntary activation of the neuromuscular system by the twitch interpolation technique Merton, A reduction in VA PNS demonstrates the presence of fatigue due to processes proximal to the neuromuscular junction, often referred to as central fatigue Gandevia, Peripheral fatigue indicates fatigue due to processes occurring distal from the neuromuscular junction and is demonstrated by reductions in twitch force from PNS of the potentiated muscle at rest.

The experimental procedure see Figure 1 started 3 min after the warm-up protocol. At each of the contractions, a TMS was given at identical stimulator output level. At each contraction, feedback of performance was administered by visual representation of the force curve on a computer monitor. For motivational reasons, strong verbal encouragement from two investigators was given to the subject during each MVC.

If subjects or the investigators identified an MVC as submaximal, they were able to discard and repeat the MVC after one more minute of recovery. This situation occurred three times for two subjects during the complete data collection period. The highest VO 2 value and the highest power output obtained after the smoothing procedure were defined as VO 2 max and maximum power Power max , respectively. The power data assessed during the Wingate test from the SRM ergometer was averaged to 1-s intervals and analyzed for peak power, mean power, and fatigue index.

Peak power was defined as the highest power output over one of the 1-s intervals. Mean power was calculated as the average power from time of peak power until the end of the test. The fatigue index was defined as the decrement in power output calculated from peak power until the end of the test. Average peak power, mean power, and fatigue index were calculated from the four Wingate tests for the first and the sixth SIT training session.

The mean blood lactate level in the endurance task was calculated for each participant. All lactate values starting from 10 min into the endurance test until the last value with a full 5-min interval were taken into account for the analysis.

A three-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed for all neuromuscular measurements to identify possible interaction effects between three independent variables, being time training within-subject factor referring to the time before and after the training period, time task within-subject factor referring to the time before and after the exercise bout, and group between-subject factor referring to the treatment groups.

A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed for all exercise performance variables and the anthropometric variables weight and BMI to identify possible interaction effects between time training within-subject factor and group between-subject factor. If sphericity was violated, we applied the Greenhouse — Geisser correction. Main effects and interactions were analyzed post hoc using paired t -tests with Bonferroni—Holm correction.

Anthropometric variables height and age were analyzed for differences with independent samples t -tests. In total, 31 subjects were recruited for this study. Two subjects of the SIT group dropped out during the training intervention due to illness. The SIT group completed from scheduled Wingate tests. Anthropometric measurements are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. No significant effect was found for Fatigue Index and maximal heart rate. The ANOVA demonstrated no significant interaction or group effect for any variable assessed for the cardiorespiratory exercise test. Main effects for time were found in maximal heart rate, which was significantly reduced in the post-measurements see Table 1.

Blood lactate values 3 and 6 min into recovery were significantly lower in the post-measurements see Table 1. Blood lactate values at exhaustion were not significantly altered.


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