The concept of the Rogues, a Central City gang of super-villains each with unique powers of their own, challenged the entire superhero genre to step up the originality of their own villains. But in , the title of the Flash became something even greater. Eventually, Barry returned, and for a brief while after that, Wally disappeared.
Because while Batman himself was inspired by pulp fiction mystery men and his Kryptonian predecessor, Robin was something entirely new: the reader-surrogate sidekick to the dark and mysterious hero. Robin was so successful in the Golden Age that until the founding of the Justice League of America, Robin technically appeared in more comic books than Batman himself.
Both as Robin and as Nightwing—and even, occasionally, as Batman—Dick completely embodies the superhero life and everything it entails.
Stephanie Brown, the Robin so rebellious that she had no choice but to level up into a Batgirl. DC FanDome returns on October 16, ! For more articles like this one, and to stay up to date on all the latest news, visit dcfandome. The Legion of Super-Heroes A thousand years in the future, humanity faces an entirely different set of challenges than the world we live in today. Batgirl There has never been a Batgirl who has ever needed or wanted Bruce Wayne's permission to wear the symbol.
The Green Lantern Corps Without the efforts of editor Julius Schwartz to revitalize the superhero genre in the s, DC as we know it surely would not exist today. Best DPS: Electric. Electric DPS is not only very powerful, but also very simple in it's rotations. And as an added benefit, Electric Healing is actually pretty dang good too, so if you get bored with DPS, this is one of the few powersets where I find both roles are both good performing and not overly difficult to master.
Best Healer: It kills my heart to say it, but Electric. I've been a Nature Healer for years, but Electric has the 8-person Shield Supercharge, and Supercharge has become increasingly more important in recent Episodes.
Electric requires you to be a little more johnny-on-the-spot than the heal-over-time healer sets, so something like Nature is a lot easier to learn, but Nature decidedly falls off in the endgame. So essentially Best for Raids and Best for Bosses are the same, but they do split in a different way. For example, Electric is great DPS and great healing, but requires adds to really do it's job to it's fullest capacity.
Whereas a Gadgets Weapon Expert will deal remarkable single target damage on a single boss, but lag behind when it comes to fights with a bunch of adds. If you want the most versatile powerset for group content, I'd say probably Earth, which deals solid damage for both AE and single target, and also has viable Tanking that can be swapped in should your Tank die or a specific fight require 2 tanks. Easiest to Gear: All classes gear in essentially the exact same way. About the only difference you're going to find in the gearing process will happen with Skill Point allotment, which is not a dropped form of gear.
And with Skill Point allotment, either a straight Might DPS or a straight Restoration Healer are probably the "easiest", whereas Tanks and Controllers often need to balance placement in different catagories. Minor Comment: If you're looking to get into serious endgame content, one thing you did not ask was about Role.
Tanks seem to be the most rare role to find, with groups having the greatest need for them. However, Tanks also take the brunt of the damage, and in a bad group, the brunt of the deaths, which means for a free-play player they really suffer on the repair front. In my opinion, the role with the least amount of pressure while learning is DPS, because you have other players also fulfilling the role, to help make up the difference if you're not quite up to par.
In contrast, if a Healer or Tank is making mistakes, often people just die and then the group wipes. When a DPS makes mistakes, in most cases, you can still be successful, just slower. So a Tank will give you the easiest time finding a group, but a DPS will have the easiest time actually being in the group. Brit , Jan 16, Best Tank - Ice 2. Best Pure dps - Ice 3. Best Healer - don't need it, it's Ice 4. Best for bossing - Ice 5.
Fury of the Gods. Wonder Woman is far from DC's most powerful being. However, she earns her place on this list not just by virtue of who she is, but of what she has overcome and what she represents. Wonder Woman represents the potential for a world without deadly confict. She symbolizes the strength of love and kindness as qualities that can help heal humanity of its hate and hubris.
Because she is stands for such strongly idealistic but good-hearted and optimistic things, we have to consider the strength of that symbol. And because what she represents is mighty on its own, Wonder Woman absolutely deserves a spot on this list.
Darkseid is the Justice League's biggest bad for some pretty clear reasons. He shoots zig-zaggy laser beams from his eyes.
He commands legions of frightening and disposable minions. He rules a spherical hellscape Apokolips with a stony fist. His goal to rule the universe clashes with the League's desire to protect the innocent. Yes, some of the villains on this list eclipse Darkseid in the strength department.
However, given the fact that Darkseid has proved himself to be more than a match for the entire Justice League, I would be remiss if I didn't include him. Lex Luthor's greatest strength is his incredible mind.
His cleverness, savviness, and indisputable brilliance are matched only by Bruce Wayne. Luthor doesn't boast the formidable strength of Darkseid, nor does he possess the near-omniscience of Brainiac.
What he does have, though, is access, intelligence, and resources. The comics prove time and again that even on a universe-spanning battlefield, human ingenuity is not something to be underestimated. Luthor has plenty of that and more.
He's able to go toe-to-toe with gods and other cosmic beings because he knows his way around a power-play. He knows what his enemies want and he knows how to use this information to manipulate them. Luthor makes this list because he can smart and outclass almost anyone in the DC Universe.
If that doesn't make him powerful, I'm not sure what does. Also, in a recent Justice League run, Luthor allied with Perpetua and became stronger than he has ever been. So there's that. The Man of Steel is an obvious pick for this list, but not just for reasons you already know. Superman's will is as mighty as his punch, allowing him to grapple with forces far more powerful than himself.
He draws his immeasurable strength from Earth's sun, which.