Followers 0. Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Posted January 17, Optimal layer break position must be a multiple of 16 Optimal L0 sectors 2,, Next largest acceptable value 2,, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Posted January 18, Eject the newly-copied navigation disc and insert it into your automobile's navigation system to ensure it works properly.
William Paul Wentzell is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, holding bachelor's degrees in English and photojournalism. Any other ideas for stuff I can try? Last edited: Apr 21, Joined Oct 30, Messages Location Memphis.
ELW, Side question - what year cruiser do you have - and other than your duplication problems, how would you rate the Nav DVD upgrade as far as the display and application goes - ie, actually using it I have an ' The upgrade works well -- just like prior version except that the maps and points of interest are updated. Still have not been able to create a working backup copy. My NAV DVD woes I thought I'd save some cash by buying a cd off of some guy on the net and despite the fact that the numbers were right on the disc it only partially functions, and crashes a lot.
The only way to make it sort of work is to eject and reinsert it. It works for a while then the map data disappears and I'm left floating in a sea of white nothingness. The NAV system doesn't work at all for new destinations and the refresh rate is really slow. I tried cleaning the inside of the drive with canned air and smoothing the outside of the disc, and even copying it to a new pristine disc, but the problems remain consistent.
And of course I misplaced the original old one So I'm thinking of acutally springing for a new one I installed mine before a road trip last week I hate the zones - why can't you just type in a state Joined Nov 4, Messages Location washington.
Call or email Longo Toyota. Complimentary UPS Ground. Click to expand I went thru this with my also. I "heard" the issue is that the Factory discs are pressed and are basically clear.
Step Hen Posted March 17, Burn it slowly and onto quality media. RCPeters Posted March 18, Posted March 18, Step Hen Posted March 18, Posted March 21, Step Hen Posted March 21, Posted March 22, Step Hen Posted March 22, I have a LS how do I find out what generation disc my car require? Thanks, Ghost.