Post by AgamemnonArgon » Wed, 8. Post by VincentTH » Wed, 8. Post by glenmcd » Thu, Jan 11, Post by Rogue » Thu, Post by Choublanc » Thu, Post by Joe McCracken » Fri, Post by AgamemnonArgon » Sat, Privacy Terms. Search Advanced search. Quick links. Where can you buy a tractor beam? The Tractor Beam is a new invention, designed primarily to move stations without the need for large and clumsy grappling systems.
The beam uses a series of projected gravitic fields, which in effect reduce the mass of the object, making it easier to move. The Tractor Beam is commonly used to assemble mines into complexes. The idea of using it to tow asteroids into enemy capital ships is frequently touted, but this cannot be done unless the asteroid is a mine as the tractor beam cannot lock on to an object not owned by the player.
Disappearing Saves. Noob Needs Help: finding abandoned ship. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. View mobile website. Now when I'm cruising for missions to increase my rep, I get a return my ship mission. It's got a fat payout so naturally I accept, expecting it to be, at the most, return my lost centaur or something. Every such mission I've had so far has been at the largest an M6.
But no, to my surprise it's an empty M7 Cerberus. It's almost undamaged and abandoned, just one sector away from my PHQ. I reaaaally want a Cerberus, it's a 36M ship and is almost mint, but damn it I'm trying to build rep and couldn't afford the massive hit I took when I tried to pinch it.
As it turns out, said station wasn't one that could dock capital ships, so logically it was simply a matter of getting the ship within a certain range. Sure enough, at about 5km or so the dialoge box pops up and I hand over control.
Now most of you will have tried to tractor an asteroid, station or ship that doesn't belong to you for whatever purpose, and will therefore know that it doesn't work. Personally I consider this a failing that only things you own can tow the things you own, as I for one would rather like to drag a pirate base in front of a gate and watch it explode from the impact of scores ships passing though.
However, what I discovered and you may not know is that if you deliver an M7 or larger to a station it can't dock at by towing it there, the tractor link remains even after you transfer control!
I, being in the dickish mood I was in after being denied a fancy new ship representing about a fifth of my liquid assets, decide to be a spiteful arse. Using my tractor beam I tow the helpless sucker slap bang into the station to which I had just delivered it. How do you like them fireworks?!
That's what you get for dangling such an easy prize in my face at precisely the time I can't accept it! Side note: Do you think I should report that bug to the ES forums? Roguey United Kingdom. It might be funny at first dragging a pirate base in-front of a gate, but not fair. With boarding, I recommend after you do one then you try and repair your rep.
Leaving your rep low, then going for another makes it so much harder. Sometimes just 1 kill mission can 'repair' your rep. Yeah, I know that it would be hard to choose between what can be towed and what can't, so I guess they went for the restrictive option for simplicity's sake. What annoyed me most was that there was no explanation as to why you can only tow you own things.