Why assembly language is still needed today

Therefore, different machines have different assembly languages. This type of language makes use of symbols to represent an operation or instruction. Hence, it is also often known as symbolic machine code.

These days, assembly language makes it possible to manipulate hardware directly, address critical issues concerning performance and also provide access to special instructions for processors. Uses of assembly language include coding device drivers, real-time systems, low-level embedded systems, boot codes, reverse engineering and more.

The following are some of the reasons why learning assembly language is still important and relevant. As a programmer, the closest you can come to the processor of a machine is by using assembly language. Here, you can write code to access the registers and even deal with memory addresses directly for retrieving values and pointers.

So, if you are writing a program that has a great algorithm , you are going to benefit greatly. This is mainly because assembly language is the gateway to optimization in speed, thereby offering great efficiency and performance. So, in this case the best option is to write some code in assembly language and see how the processor and the memory work.

However, one thing to keep in mind is that assembly language is symbolic, so it may appear cryptic. Furthermore, the source code in assembly language is always larger than that of a high-level language. However, putting in time and effort to master it can benefit one greatly in terms of understanding. By Priya Pedamkar. Assembly Language is a low-level programming language. It helps in understanding the programming language to machine code. In computers, there is an assembler that helps in converting the assembly code into machine code executable.

Assembly language is designed to understand the instruction and provide it to machine language for further processing. It mainly depends on the architecture of the system, whether it is the operating system or computer architecture.

Assembly Language mainly consists of mnemonic processor instructions or data and other statements or instructions. Assembly Language helps in fine-tuning the program. Assembly language helps programmers to write human-readable code that is almost similar to machine language.

Machine language is difficult to understand and read as it is just a series of numbers. Assembly language helps in providing full control of what tasks a computer is performing.

The learning of assembly language is still important for programmers. It helps in taking complete control over the system and its resources. By learning assembly language, the programmer can write the code to access registers and retrieve the memory address of pointers and values. It mainly helps in speed optimization that increases efficiency and performance. Assembly language learning helps in understanding the processor and memory functions.

Your water tap? Your kettle? Your toothbrush? There will always be a new device, appliance, toy, common-life item to be programmed in assembly. Some of the later versions of TASM had have? First: most languages have moved toward a structure that's at least somewhat tree-like. Whether object oriented, or object-based, or exactly what, there's quite a bit defined about the relationships between different parts of a system.

There's also quite a bit to "protect" one part of a system from accidental "meddling" but other parts even though the protection can usually be bypassed if you want to. By contrast, assembly language is relatively "flat" -- most of the relationships between the code and data in different parts of the system are established primarily by documentation and to a lesser extent naming conventions. The result of this is that it's often much easier to couple code much more tightly than would be ideal.

The requirements that drove the choice of assembly language to start with higher performance, smaller size, etc. The language and tools themselves do much less to restrict what you do good or bad , which places a much greater burden on the managers to prevent problems.

I wouldn't say it's qualitatively different, but quantitatively it is -- i. Mitigating this is largely a matter of more careful guidelines, more guidance from more experienced personnel, and more specific, carefully enforced naming conventions. Staffing is something of a problem. The problems I've encountered, however, where not primarily the ones I expected. Finding guys with a bit of a "fighter jock" personality who were happy to jump into assembly language code was fairly easy.

Most did quite a reasonable job, despite an almost total lack of prior experience in using assembly language. The difficulty I encountered was in finding more senior personnel -- people who could keep the project under at least some semblance of control, and weren't completely accustomed to languages that would provide and largely enforce the guidelines necessary to keep the code reasonably maintainable and understandable.

I can see two sources of problems on my part. First, by the time of the project I'm thinking of, I'd been coding primarily in higher-level languages for quite a while, and using assembly language only as a last resort. As such, when I did use it, nearly every possible trick to gain performance was not only fair game, but expected. Second, back when I had worked on some systems written entirely or primarily in assembly language, it was under some rather iron-fisted project managers.

At the time I'd been relatively young, and quite frankly resented the way they'd run things, so tended to do the opposite. In retrospect, what they were doing really was important, and not done just because they were old and inflexible which, I'm pretty sure was how I saw things at the time. I think you're asking "are trucks still relevant if we have cars? I mean, assembly has a very wide range of applications but not as wide as high level programming has, the same way that there are much less trucks than cars.

In new processors with new architectures remember when Cell microprocessor was released , for sure they had to write boot loaders and so on in assembly and with old processors too, but long time used processors have a very stable ground and is difficult to improve it.

And staff availability, it depends on, I guess that if you ask in Intel, Qualcomm, What happens if you ask "how many car drivers are around here? Assembly is like the Natasha Romanoff of Avengers.

It's a charm and magic. First, it will bite you but trust me you will never forget the taste. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Is Assembly still relevant?

Asked 10 years, 3 months ago. Active 6 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 24k times. Improve this question. Why would anyone write a complete project solely in assembly language today?


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