Comments Comment by mattous For a funny article entitled "Gamon's grand day out" where a level 60 warlock kites gamon all the way to Silithus taking 1 hour 30 minutes and leaving him with nothing but a 1.
Check out the link below which contains lots of screenshots. Apparently all the traffic from Wowhead was killing their bandwidth! See the link in CowHammers post below for a link to some screenies on imageshack of someone else doing some gamon kiting! Comment by yeah so i pickpocketed him with my rogue and i didnt get the key, i have the quest Comment by I must try that!
Comment by That was a lovely little screenie show! I lol'd the whole time! Comment by Thottbot OMG! Hes going to be harder then Ragranos The Perfect Team You need atleast 5 people to take him down.
Get in Combat! The Tank starts charging. This is very tricky, since Gamon is placed behind a wall. The Mage needs to be ready to polymorph adds Wich rarely happends. The mage is also needed to slow him down, in the case that the Maintank dies. Gamon Dead After the 20 minutes long fight, you need your rewards. Around 5 copper each and you need to Roll on it.
In case that epics drops, you might need to put out Master Loot on. Seen People ninja him. Comment by Thottbot I killed Gamon once, then about 5 minutes later went back there and saw his body here with Gamon standing ON him Comment by Thottbot lol why does it say he can be found in naxxramas?
And you can dress up as him, too! Simply follow these mostly simple instructions. Anywho, choose a male tauren in the character creation screen. You can choose any class you like for him, but I personally went with Warrior.
Level your character to level 42 or higher. Congrats, you're now dressed up as Gamon! And there ya go. Comment by Thottbot Poor Gamon Peace be with him rofl. Comment by Thottbot its like my daily thing, log in kill gamon-when i log out i HS to orgrimmar, kill him and log out, its part of my daily routine and hes dropped a few greens for me too.
Comment by Thottbot I ve done the things that the guy above told s ill be lookin like Gamon. Comment by Thottbot Ok, the ultimate rogue guid to kill the evil Tauren Gamon.
Make sure you're well geared, preferably Skinning Knife in your main hand enchanted with Crusader - You will need it. Then, the moment has arrived. Get in stealth You should respec your talent tree to subtlety as he has the buff Paranoia. Make sure your Skinning Knife is sharpened and ambush him! Make sure you get Cripling poison on him as he will wander and draw adds.
Then, try to stunlock him, gouge him, kidney-shot him! Ask a priest to come and heal you and finish the job with stunlock and some plain backstabs. Good job! You killed Gamon, a level 12 tauren! If you get in lucky, you'll get 93 copper of him, which you have to share with your priest. Oh yeah, some linen cloth which you really need to bandage all of those deep wounds.
Regards, DennieX. Comment by Allakhazam kill him every time I see him. Comment by Allakhazam i killed him 3 or 4 times today then i got about 34 copper then i put the 2 fire wand on AH for 3g then i actualy got somone to buy it!
It's not on the list. In previous times, Horde players traveling through Orgrimmar or logging in from the inn would hear the sounds of a bar fight followed by a tauren death groan. Although it was probably an unintentional design quirk on Blizzard 's part, the player-driven murders by Gamon contribute to the atmosphere of Orgrimmar as being a rough place. Gamon was a famous mob because his deaths were frequent and public, as players often try to drag him out of the inn to be killed by him in front of the Auction House , where everyone can watch.
A "raid" kill of Gamon shortly after the release of Patch 4. Gamon was susceptible to mind control. Priests enjoyed sending him out of the inn to run and jump around Orgrimmar's citizens. Gamon had a unique ability called [Pride Breaker] which could be used on other players and NPCs that did no damage, but would punt them about 5 yards, this would also dismount a mounted player.
Since patch 3. Gamon was treated by Horde players much the same way as Hogger is by Alliance players, if Hogger were a marauding champion of death and destruction.
In addition, some level 80 players formed up raids to attack Gamon as if he were a boss. Gamon's unfortunate fate came from the fact that he was involved in a Horde rogue class questline in which you must pickpocket him to receive a key.
Any mob that a player can pickpocket must also be attackable. While this placed Gamon in the difficult situation of being constantly killed, it would also make the quest very difficult to complete since players might not have a good chance of actually finding Gamon alive. Gamon is also involved in the end of the death knight introduction chain — [55] Warchief's Blessing — in which he promises to protect the citizens of Orgrimmar from the encroaching death knight.
While all other NPCs will appear unfriendly to the death knight, Gamon is actively hostile and will chase after any death knight that comes too close, loudly yelling that he will save Orgrimmar. In addition, for the quest achievement Veteran of the Wrathgate , players will be sent back to a different phased Orgrimmar under martial law and talk to Thrall.
You will find Gamon, among other loyal Horde citizens, gathering in front of the bank. This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm. As of the beta, he has been updated to a level 85 elite [1] with K health.
As of the recent updates in Patch 4. Comment by wow a 73 level increase and upgraded to elite Today, however, I managed to accidentally auto-attack him. Comment by PTR 4. Shortly after, Garrosh uses the move trollface. Comment by Arothand I think there should be an achievement for being killed by Gamon.
It should be called "Payback's a B". Comment by He train more than Goku, and now he comes to defend us against the aliance Comment by Yurmahm Gamon is secretly Pyramid Hogger in disguise. Comment by bj91x Gamon probably caused more Horde players to die in Orgrimmar than Alliance players.
Comment by No quest for him nor any drops of value. You don't even get an achievement. Probably just some joke from Blizzard because he used to be Org's punching bag. People would aggro him, sit in the AH with him beating on them and yell out things like "help help i'm being molested".
Comment by Lutenantj Gamon vs. Chuck Norris vs. Comment by Lostelf IDK id anyone put this but if ur drunk his level appears lowere as low as 81 for me. Comment by Gamon uses bitter irony. You have died. Comment by George14 adashiel For the record, the name of the pickpocketing quest was The Shattered Hand. Your comment was posted in patch 2. Comment by cethis I wish I could MC him and kick people off their mounts again.
Those were some good times. There you are in Org, minding your own business as you pass by the inn and wham! It made being a priest worth it. Comment by ive just killed him, its easy all you need is to find a healer and then pull him into AH :P. Now being serious, it's possible for Horde players kite Gamon from the inn he's located directly to Grommash Hold, this can be a great help during an Alliance invasion, his battle shout affects Garrosh, increasing his already violent damage, also, Gamon's Charge ability hits a random player.
Comment by Problimatic I was able to solo it :D. I got it on my first try in ilvl tanking gear. Had to blow all cooldowns though to get him down. Don't be deceived when he doesn't do too much at the beginning. He starts packing a punch. I was unbuffed Not even food or flask and it was a fun thing to do in org. Comment by redzonelol i think that Cataclysm happened when Chuck Norris started playing WoW, and he purchased Gamon as his alt char.
Comment by Teisarr Gamon and his minions have seized the Inn of Orgrimmar. Comment by Venator06 Gamon's melee sing hits you for Physical. Gamon's Charge hits you for Physical. Gamon's melee swing hits you for physical.
Moral of the story: Gamon doesn't fall for mirror images. Comment by Kill him, unmask him, and lift up his beard, there will only be another fist He can swim through land, and Zeus is his child Comment by Kaltar Have any of you ever started a group and alerted everyone in Orgrimmar that you are going to kill him, and then have managed to bring him down, leading to much cheering and dancing on his corpse?
I have. And now he's looking for me. Run before it's too late. He wants his 6 copper. And he will get it in any way he can. Comment by Naively thinking I could kite him with my ele sham, I frost shock him I've been too scared to walk into the inn since then Got pwn'd by Gamon what noobs!
We have Gamon, what do they have? Comment by eclectic They have some npc in old town, or at least he was there prior to the shattering. Comment by Lookie here, it's the famous Gamon. One swing of his axe and i'm DEAD! I'm gonna poke him! Comment by Tripfel One does not simply aproach Gamon. Comment by TPetersen Tricks of the Trade won't work on him :. Comment by if you look at the screenshot of dead gamon next to a tauren.
Beware that is NOT gamon on the floor. Comment by as of 4. Comment by Lambur I have reason to believe Gamon is a low level Tauren Rogue who is not stealthed and undergeared. Comment by lol gamon is a faceroll i'll solo him for g. Comment by Watched a DK get one shotted over and over trying to kill Gamon last night. I had just gotten my Obsidian Cleaver on a FL trash run so I was in a good mood, I res'd the guy a couple times then I pulled in a rogue and a hunter from my guild and we took him down.
The rogue and hunter lived through the encounter, I the tank Prot Pally did not, Gamon and I died at the same time.
Was awfully fun, the guy hits like a truck, the rogue didn't get touched, used blade flurry alot, pulled about 14k dps during the encounter and the hunter used her monkey from Z-G to blind him with poo and laid into him with Chimera shot. Comment by Tripfel soloed him as a blood dk Fear him Gamon however dies harder. Comment by rogerk0 Sad to say that we are back to square one due to the fact that I can solo him easily without having to kite him.
Comment by Possible relative to hogger? Comment by chiqitabanana For dk tanks there is an easy tact. Comment by Lolwhutsteve Upon attempting to pickpocket him, he promptly smashed my face. Comment by LatroVir Gamon is still kitable. Thing is, even a tank auto swinging will kill him off before going a significant distance, namely due to Vengeance eventually stacking up.
Despite hitting him for piddly damage, my Paladin safely kept his threat high enough to prevent Gamon from charging killing my healer. Took him all the way to Crossroads and then Ratchet before he despawned by the boat to Booty Bay. Comment by wtfoomnofair It seems as if Gamon joined a credit union, went to the gym and deleted facebook Comment by AlKaru "You resolve to shoot him several times more than is absolutely necessary the next time you murder him for no reason whatsoever.
Comment by dirktooth I wonder if they at some point will make Gamon a boss and make an expansion just about him " World of Warcraft: The Chronicles of Gamon ". Comment by Sadly as of 4. I saw teh bare duridz with LFR gear solo him and come out with full health. Comment by Seems to be a lot of outdated or useless comments in here about this guy. I don't see a link to a quest, but it seems odd to have a neutral, nearly 2mil health guy in here without a reason.
Comment by Lordplatypus Best way to kill garosh, kite gamon into a raid killhim garrosh so that garrosh Aoes gamon run for life. True story. Comment by Oh by the way someone said "Gamon will kill lich king and Arthas". Some idiot kiting him to the steps of Stormwind Keep Killing all the guards to clear his path and somehow not dying.
He would then hopefully engage King Varian Wrynn in epic combat. Comment by Buckmoney Just give him Saurfang's Cleave.
Then all will be restored. Comment by King0fKings When the Org raid to kill garrosh comes out in MoP they should either make Gamon a raid boss or an ally in the raid.
Comment by Ballybog He was a gentle Tauren A true believer in peace But when they push him too far He's ready to make them pay! See Gamon like you've never seen him before!
He's back, and more Elite than ever, in his new explosive movie, "Gamon: Facemelter of Orgrimmar"! Comment by gabrimcr Attacked him today without noticing new stas, mere figure. Comment by Now i REALLY hope they'll make him lvl 90 soon and he'll be able to oneshot everyone with crushing blows as he used to do it not long before Cataclysm :p. Comment by Bababooeyhs As a prot war with second wind i like to get him to attack me not attacking him back so i don't build threat and people come along and attack him and instantly pull aggro and die.
Quite funny! Comment by Rizzatto Ok, I'm just thinking In case anyone doesn't know yet, the final raid of MoP is a seige of Orgimmar with the final boss being Garrosh Hellscream, right? Also, everyone knows that in pretty much any raid out there, you always wind up fighting several other minor bosses before the final boss fight, right? You know where I'm going with this, right? No certainty yet, but I'm making a prediction right now: Gamon will be one of the bosses in the final raid of MoP!
He rushed at me and dealt me a swift one hit death. Comment by duskmay Gamon will supposedly be getting a mass buff with 5. Picture here, courtesy of MMO-Champion. Comment by jd Gamon got a few upgrades in Patch 5. Comment by WoWnerdzx in the 5. Comment by Well, we can all relax now, Gamon is being buffed in the next patch, 5. He'll become a level 90 rare elite, under custody of the Kor'kron, as he was a "threat to the public" Well, let's just hope he drops some interesting loot, more than 50 copper and some linen cloth.
Comment by jd Ok ill just post this again, for some reason people love to downvote useful info. Gamon got a few upgrades in Patch 5. Comment by roadrocker98 Gamon, The unstoppable force of destruction.. He will surely be the successor and slayer of Garrosh the tyrant. Comment by Romire Gamon sits in Org, waiting paitently for some unlucky bastard to try and attack him.
Comment by Gadrinthehunter apparantly, he did something Comment by As of patch 5. Gamon for Warchief. Comment by 5. What has the poor drunk tauren done now? Comment by Moped I was told by a friend today to look at him.
They be hating on him. Comment by tnkwon Gamon is actually the insider within Orgrimmar that is secretly relaying information to the Revolutionaries back in Razor Hill. Hellscream has been onto him and is now cornered, hanging on by a thread.
Wait, he's not? Damn there goes my fanfic. Comment by greytree As of patch 5. He is now between the inn and the AH, surrounded by several Kor'kron Overseers, who taunt him with phrases like the following: "Come with us, fool.
You don't want this to get bloody. The Kor'kron control this city. You smell of straw. Drop the weapon, now. Comment by Maxisan WTF?
These Kor'kron Guards are messin' with mah Gamon? He is everyone's Gamon. He earned Orgrimmar's heart. Comment by Xiberion First time in the games history he has been unable to attacked? Comment by Kasa24 In patch 5. Gamon looks back and forth between them all, ready for combat. Occasionally, one of the Kor'kron will say something to Gamon: You don't want to force the hand of the warchief. Where do you think you'll run to?
You are asking for an axe in your back. Look at this dishonorable creature. Come with us, fool. Kor'kron Overseer says: You are asking for an axe in your back. Kor'kron Overseer says: Come with us, fool.
Kor'kron Overseer says: I am going to enjoy crushing your spirit. Kor'kron Overseer says: Where do you think you'll run to? Kor'kron Overseer says: You don't want to force the hand of the warchief. Kor'kron Overseer says: Look at this dishonorable creature. They don't know what they are up against. Comment by Taraezor Poor Gamon. He just can't win. Between patches he goes to the gym and each time re-emerges bigger and beefier than ever.
And soon enough we all gear up until we are able to bully him into submission. In Cataclysm, my blood DK would wander into the inn and pick a fight with Gamon, the regular barfly. I'd kite him around a bit then pull him towards the elevator up to the central mesa in Orgrimmar. Gamon wouldn't follow so I would rise up and instantly drop threat, leaving Gamon to exact his pitiless revenge on any unsuspecting clothie who thought it would be manly to beat up on him while he was focused on me.
But now in patch 5. Everybody's favourite punching bag suddenly became our hero. Rise up Horde and come to Gamon's aid, if only to let him live for another day! Comment by Gamon has different horns in the "View in 3D" option, than in-game.
Little fun fact! My hypothesis, is that maybe the horns in-game were just so incredibly beastly, wowhead's servers crashed when attempting to upload the 3D program. Comment by Shadowewolfe I'm new to the horde so pardon if this is redundant, but what is Gamon's backstory? He is no longer attackable and is apparently gone into a heroic stance like he did in the Death Knight quest. Some Ko'kron Guards are Surrounding him trying to ether capture or settle him.
This is some proof that he won't side with the War chief an likely won't become a high commander raid boss in the Up coming raid. Kinda was hoping to have him as a raid boss but if he has a chance to become a Ally then thats at lest something worth while to wait for. I'd side with Gamon any day.
I just also want his Axe to become gotten in game Comment by firestarcat as of 5. Comment by Huntakilla As of patch 5. The Overseers say things like: You are asking for an axe in your back. I am going to enjoy crushing your spirit. You don't want to force the hand of the warchief.
Gamon cannot be attacked and it doesn't seem like the Overseers will either. He has 40 million hp and therefor I can immagine him being very powerful. Comment by Knuckinphutz A Blizzard rep said that the new Warchief will be someone we may not suspect? I would serve Warchief Gamon. Comment by Reignac In patch 5. He's kneeling with a good number of Kor'kron aiming guns at him. Alas, poor Gamon! I knew him, Wowhead Edit: Oh holy crap, Gamon is part of the Nazgrim boss fight!
Comment by DagothUr He's just pretending to surrender. All of the guns will fire at once, Gamon will catch the rounds with his bare hands, and send them flying back at the Kor'kron, killing them in the process. He will then recover his axe and proceed to mow down Ogrimmar while walking towards Grommash Hold.
Comment by HyperDemonic It seems that our friend Gamon will play a role in 5. At lest in the Nazgrim encounter, hopefully more.
Comment by Creditor does anyone know the set he wears? Comment by Reignac Gamon's Siege of Orgrimmar audio. Last few seconds are very interesting in particular and I suspect are something to do with garrosh. Gamon for Warchief! Comment by Malific How does he not have a Hearthstone card? What could this mean? I am proud to have died at your hands.
For the Horde. You have learned much, and learned well. I stood by the Warchief because it was my duty, and I am glad it was you who struck me down. May your strength lead the Horde into a new era of prosperity. Do you feel bad for killing him so many times in the past?
Comment by Bencraft As of patch 5. You will encounter "General Nazgrim". And Gamon starts by saying this: Gamon :- I may be bruised and beaten, but the hatred boils inside me. Many times have i fallen to the hands of an orc, and many times have i risen again, but never again! For every orc that struck me, i will cleave a thousand of their skulls. When you have defeated Nazgrim, they says: Gamon :- You are an honorable orc Nazgrim, i regret what i must do.
You have finally learned, i am proud to have died at your hand. For the horde Gamon :- You fought with honor, Gamon will ensure that your legacy lives on! For the horde my friend! This will truly be an epic fight!