Which guy should i choose

How does each one make you feel? Make a list of what you really want in a guy and don't. Here are some other questions you can ask: Which guy will treat me better? Which guy will be there for me through the tough times? Which guy do I have more in common with? Which guy's face will I always want to see at the end of the day? Which guy will get along better with my friends and family? Which guy can I not live without?

Trust your gut. We can't pick and choose who we like. We're born a certain way, and we eventually develop likes and dislikes. Don't overthink things. Trust what your gut tells you about these guys and go for it. Flip a coin in the air. Tell yourself that if it lands on heads, you have to go with Guy A, and if it lands on tails, you have to go with Guy B. While the coin is in the air, where do you instinctively want it to land? That's your answer. Not being in a relationship really isn't bad.

In fact, it's much better than being burned. Learn from your mistakes. If you've dated a certain guy before and the relationship ended poorly, don't make the same mistake all over again with another guy. Even if you feel attracted to him, what's the use in going through the same thing all over again if it caused you heartbreak and misery? Don't rush it. Don't feel like you need to make a decision right away.

Your decision could take some time. During that time, hopefully, one of the guys will do something good or bad to make the decision much easier for you. As long as you haven't committed to either guy and don't feel like you're being disloyal to one guy by hanging out with the other, then you should take some time to make the decision. Just don't drag it on too long. If you pick one guy, but he finds out that you've been hanging out with another guy for the last few months, then he may feel slightly hurt or confused.

Keep in mind, healthy relationships should feel like a calm ocean, not a total rollercoaster. Part 2. Commit to the guy you've chosen. Once you've made your decision, stick to it. That doesn't mean you have to tell the guy, "Hey, I chose you over Guy A! The commitment is something you make through your actions and your heart. Work on building a healthy, stable relationship with the guy you've chosen -- and only the guy you've chosen. Enjoy the benefits of being with one person without wondering what another guy is up to.

If you feel empty or incomplete without the other guy, then it may either mean that you made the wrong decision or that you never liked the first guy that much in the first place -- you only liked the chase. Be friendly to the other guy but don't go out of your way to hang out with him or do stuff alone together.

If you're overly friendly with him, he might think that he still has a chance. Plus, it might get the guy you chose unnecessarily jealous. Be prepared for the aftermath. Know that choosing between two guys will affect your relationship with both of them. This is the double-edged sword of relationships: chances are good that you're going to break the other guy's heart and miss out on a relationship with him.

If the guy you don't choose doesn't know about the first guy, you don't have to make it a big deal or give him the real reason why you're ending your "relationship. Know that you may turn guys against each other. What if both guys are best friends? What do you do then? If you choose one and the other likes you, they'll probably stop being best friends. If you want to avoid this situation altogether, date someone else instead.

Be prepared to lose the guy that you didn't choose. He may not want to be "just friends" after you hung out romantically or flirted with each other. But that may be for the best. Accept your decision. Life is yours to live, and you deserve to live it the way you want -- while trying to hurt others as little as possible.

Though you may feel guilty for making the decision, you and the two guys are better off once you've come to terms with your feelings. Be proud of yourself for making a mature choice instead of leading two guys on forever. Don't be afraid of making mistakes as long as you learn from them. Don't worry about having everyone like you; when you're making a big decision like this, feelings will get hurt. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

Remember - no matter what advice anyone may give you - that only you can decide which guy is right for you. Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1. If you are starting to get annoyed and stressed with the "Who do you choose?

There are other fish in the sea, and nobody should put pressure on you to decide things like this - and by trying to choose, you are only making things hard on yourself and may upset them. Helpful 7 Not Helpful 3. If you really can't choose, take your time. If nothing comes to you, just let the feelings drift. When you're ready, they will be ready and respect that if they love you. Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1. If you can't choose, then look at how each guy views you.

Though this isn't about who loves you more, it should say something. If a guy is mildly interested in you or it's just you, and the other goes out of his way to walk with you in the hallway, you need to let that play into your decision. You don't want to get hurt by the first guy because he never had feelings for you but you chose him anyway, and you don't want to break the second guy's heart simply because you can't let go of the first guy. If you truly loved the first one, the second one would have never come along.

Helpful 6 Not Helpful 1. Keep walking. Hug him. Wave awkwardly. Avoid looking at him. Person 3 is so nice. Person 1 is the relationship. They all confuse me. Person 2 shows love and affection. Which one fits the description below: He likes me, compliments me daily, knows how I feel about him, and makes me laugh all the time. All of them.

Comments Change color. They are both really cute so i can not really decide who to choose. Yikes I'm a girl and I'm honestly being torn between two guys. Person 1 doesn't show too much signs of liking me He teases me a lot and he's more attractive.

Person 2 shows more signs of liking me A lot! His friend -who I caught passing notes with him- thinks he likes me and considers us as lovers! Person 2 showed me the notes and tried to pretend it wasn't true but he's obviously faking it. He has a great personality but my frenemy has a crush on him too. I'd hate to crush her, she's had a crush on him since the 3rd Grade. NightFlower25 Me and my friend are great friends and I really like him and I think he likes me back as well,we have such a great time when we're together and when I talk to him I feel like I can say anything freely,and he makes me feel so happy, he's smart,cute,funny and extremely kind.

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