Which gate can never be entered

What should you do in order to maximize the chance that you will live, assuming that A and B are logical and also want to maximize their chances of survival? Hint: this would not be here if the answer was completely trivial.

You have two lengths of fuse. Each burns for an hour, exactly. They do not burn at a steady rate, so if you cut one in half, then you do not know if a half will burn for 1 second or 59 minutes though the sum of the times of the two halves is one hour.

How do you time exactly 45 minutes? You have a cow in a circular pen radius 1. You want it to only eat half of the grass in the pen. Assume the cow is a point.

You tether the cow to the edge of the pen circular enclosure. How long should its tether be so that it can eat exactly half the grass? There is a prison with inmates. The warden strikes a deal with them. There is a room with a light in it controlled by a light switch.

Each day, the warden will take a random prisoner to that room. At some point, a prisoner must say "We have all been in the room! If he or she is wrong, then all will never be set free.

The initial state of the light is not known on or off. Talking is allowed ahead of time, but not after the process begins. Also, the process will begin on a random day, so you do not know if you are the first in or not. You are a prisoner. What plan do you propose in order to ensure that you will gain your freedom?

Find any solution that works - do not worry about how long it will take. The prisoners will be taken in randomly: over an infinite amount of time, they will all enter the room an infinite number of times. Bonus: how long will it take for you to be freed? You have a very big urn, and pebbles numbered with the natural numbers 1, 2, At time step 1, you put pebbles in the urn.

At time step 2, you take out pebble 1. At time step 3 you put in At time step 4 you take out pebble 2, etc. If you did this an infinite number of times, how many pebbles would be left in the urn? Hint: The limit as the number of iterations goes to infinity may give a different answer.

Try to think about this one without using math at first. There is a rubber band attached to a wall. The rubber band is one meter long, levitating horizontally away from the wall. When I say "go", it will start stretching so the end moves at 10 meters per second. It stretches infinitely. The stretch is uniform e. There is an ant starting where the rubber band connects to the wall.

It walks at. Will the ant ever reach the end of the rubber band? If so, how long will it take? What if the rubber band doubles in length every second? A woman and her husband attended a party with four other couples. As is normal at parties, handshaking took place. Of course, no one shook their own hand or the hand of the person they came with.

And not everyone shook everyone else's hand. But when the woman asked the other 9 people present how many different people's hands they had shaken they all gave a different answer. Question this is NOT a trick!

You have two very resilient dinosaur eggs. They will absorb a certain amount of force with no negative consequences, but at some point they will crack. If they don't crack, no damage is incurred.

You're on a story building. You have 20 trials you're allowed at most 20 individual egg drops and 2 eggs. Is it possible to devise a testing strategy that guarantees to tell you at exactly what floor the eggs will break? If after your first trial dropping an egg off of the balcony on one floor of the building , if the egg does not break, then you have 19 trials remaining and two eggs.

If the egg breaks, then you still have 19 trials remaining, but only one egg left. How few trials do you need? Let this number be k. Using k trials, can you solve a story building? How about ? You work with Jane. You know that she has two children. One day you meet one at a boys' camp, and it is a boy.

What is the probability that she has two boys? Where on the Earth can you walk a mile south, a mile west, and a mile north, and end up exactly where you started?

Hint: There are infinite places: find them all! What is a shape defined by a mathematical equation that has infinite surface area, but finite volume? There are two empty bags. You have 50 black and 50 white pebbles. You must put all of the pebbles into the two bags. A coin will then be flipped. If it is heads, you discard bag A. If it is tails, you discard bag B.

From the remaining bag, you reach in and randomly select a pebble. If it is white, you win - black you lose. How should you put the pebbles in the bag? Does it make a difference? This problem is hard. If this is your first look at this page, I recommend skipping it. There are a countably infinite number of mathematicians in a room. Each has a black or white hat placed on his or her head.

Color selection is random. Each mathematician can see the color of everyone else's hat, but not his or her own. My favorite was this one: Q: I have keys but no doors, I have space but no rooms, I allow you to enter but you are never able to leave. Oh my goodness these are awesome! This sparked an idea for me. They are going to love, love, love this!

I love this riddle Q: I am an odd number. Answer: European. The I liked is: Q: Why is it dangerous to play cards in the jungle? The one about what is full of keys? The piano is a central part of our home so I know my girls will love this riddle! It helps them imagination-wise and is actually also a great way to learn about the nuances of language! Our all-time favorite riddle was told by my Dad to my son when he was very little. Q: Where does a sheep go to get a haircut?

A: To the baaaa-baaaaa shop! What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it? It is so simple but even adults get it wrong if they answer quickly. Monkey and Donkey. The jungle is full of Cheetahs? My kids are all a little young to understand these but I am saving them for when they can. I loved them all.

Lol They love corn. These were super cute, yet they still make you think! To learn the elfabet! Your first riddle was very appropriate to me. In the house, the lights are off but the person is reading a book.

The person is a blind person and is reading braille. Oops — forgot to put may favorite: Q: What dinosaur had the best vocabulary? This was my favorite haha. I think this one is cute: Q: How can you tell if a vampire has a cold? Love all of them! My daughter made one up when she was younger. Why did the dog lay on the railroad tracks?

He wanted to get trained. I love the riddle about what starts and ends with an e and contains only one letter! Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. April 27, Share Tweet Pin Free Meal Planner! Jenny Ham — May 9, pm Reply. I like Q: What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?

Kelsey Vinson — May 9, pm Reply. My kids always tell this one. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A FSH. Jillian Too — May 9, pm Reply. Betsy Barnes — May 9, pm Reply. Patricia Colletti — May 9, pm Reply.

Amy Heffernan — May 9, am Reply. Carolsue — May 9, am Reply. Erin M — May 9, am Reply. Tee A — May 8, pm Reply. Madonna — May 8, am Reply. Those were all so cute. When my daughter was little we used to tell little jokes all the time.

Shannon Gilchrist — May 7, pm Reply. These are so cute! I miss the days of my kids throwing riddles out to me. Bridgett Wilbur — May 7, pm Reply. Heidi P — May 6, pm Reply. Love keeping the kids busy and this is a cool way to do it, makes them think. Cynthia Richardson — May 6, pm Reply. Krista M — May 6, pm Reply. Mary Cloud — May 5, pm Reply. Betty S — May 5, pm Reply. James Robert — May 5, pm Reply.

Cindy Merrill — May 5, am Reply. Tara Gauthier — May 5, am Reply. Krista M — May 4, pm Reply. I like the riddle What word looks the same backward and upside down.

That is so cool! Jeniffer Brubaker — May 4, am Reply. Chrissy — May 3, pm Reply. Ali — May 3, pm Reply. Mia — May 3, pm Reply. Tabathia B — May 3, am Reply. Carolsue — May 3, am Reply. Barbara Montag — May 3, am Reply. Leela — May 2, pm Reply.

Sarah Phillips — May 2, pm Reply. Elena — May 2, pm Reply. Anna M — May 2, pm Reply. Makenzie — May 1, pm Reply. Kristi — May 1, am Reply. My kids always get me with jokes!! One of these days I will get them…. Robyn Bellefleur — May 1, am Reply.

Christine Baker — April 30, pm Reply. Amy Covington — April 30, pm Reply. Klydra Pugh — April 30, pm Reply. How many months have 28 days? Thanks for the chance. Brianna — April 30, am Reply. This one is my favorite because it is the last joke my dad told before passing away.

Christine — April 30, am Reply. Jen — April 29, pm Reply. Amanda Alvarado — April 29, pm Reply. My kids are big fans of riddles. They try them out on me all the time :.

Jessica To — April 29, pm Reply. My son and I like the riddle of what falls in the winter but never gets hurt: snow! Steven Epstein — April 29, pm Reply. A candle. Mel — April 29, pm Reply. Kristen — April 29, am Reply. I like this one: Q: Why did the student eat his homework? Theresa Miller — April 29, am Reply. Lynn Robertson — April 29, am Reply. Natalie — April 28, pm Reply. Shannon — April 28, pm Reply. Lindsay A. Jess — April 28, pm Reply.

Tracey byram — April 28, pm Reply. Jo-Ann Brightman — April 28, pm Reply. Cindy Merrill — April 28, pm Reply. Kelsey — April 28, pm Reply. A clock. Janice Cooper — April 28, pm Reply. Kelly Dowdy — April 28, am Reply. A: Frostbite Lol. Kammi — April 28, am Reply. An investigator! Nena Sinclair — April 28, am Reply. Shirley Emitt — April 28, am Reply.

Kalani — April 28, am Reply. Lisa — April 28, am Reply. I like this one: Q: How do dog catchers get paid? Dana Rodriguez — April 28, am Reply. Cindy — April 28, am Reply.

Melissa Storms — April 27, pm Reply. Shirley Shepherd — April 27, pm Reply. Laurajj — April 27, pm Reply. Rachel — April 27, pm Reply. Jenny — April 27, pm Reply. Debbie P — April 27, pm Reply. Becky Hahn — April 27, pm Reply. I love the one about what 2 keys cannot open doors. Super cute. My kiddos loved. Michelle C — April 27, pm Reply. Jo-Ann Brightman — April 27, pm Reply. Lowry Carmen — April 27, pm Reply.

Marily — April 27, pm Reply. Cheryl B — April 27, pm Reply. My Granddaughter told me this riddle. Mindy — April 27, pm Reply. I like all of the riddles but this one stuck out for me: Q: What goes around and around the wood but never goes into the wood? Donna L — April 27, pm Reply. Jane C. Jennifer Hedden — April 27, pm Reply. My favorite riddle is: Q: Why did the kid cross the playground? It is cute. Diana Riv — April 27, pm Reply.

These are great! My kids will love them! Thank you so much for sharing! Marg Smith — April 27, pm Reply. Amber — April 27, pm Reply. I liked: What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? I love a good riddle! Dede — April 27, pm Reply. Chrystal D — April 27, pm Reply. I like this one the best! Catherine Sanders — April 27, pm Reply. Tracy Robertson — April 27, pm Reply. I always liked Knock knock… whose there?

Orange orange who? Banana banana who? Kim Henrichs — April 27, pm Reply. Will G — April 27, pm Reply. My favorite is: Q: How do dog catchers get paid? Camille — April 27, pm Reply. Soomin — April 27, pm Reply. Please keep up your good job and stay always healthy! Lynda Cook — April 27, pm Reply. Bethany Eskro — April 27, pm Reply. I love this one! Stacy — April 27, pm Reply. Katy P — April 27, pm Reply.

Cheryl Gates — April 27, pm Reply. Vickie — April 27, pm Reply. Tamika — April 27, pm Reply. Jen — April 27, pm Reply. These are really cute riddles. I wonder if my kids would get them. Stephanie — April 27, pm Reply. I love how simple these riddles are. Robert Hogan — April 27, pm Reply. Stephanie H. Betsy Barnes — April 27, pm Reply.

Kim — April 27, pm Reply. Christina Foley — April 27, pm Reply. My daughter loved this one — Q: What do you call a dog that is also a magician? Regan M — April 27, pm Reply. Noelle Carroll — April 27, pm Reply.

Beth Cook — April 27, pm Reply. Carla Johnson-Hicks — April 27, pm Reply. Bonnie Fisher — April 27, pm Reply. Alex noon — April 27, pm Reply. Show the answer ». A mushroom. A variation of this riddle is as follows. I am a room with no doors and no windows, what am I?

Posted in Riddles. Libby says October 3, A mushroom. Isabel says December 23, A Musroom. Chloe says January 31, A mushroom pretty easy. Jenika watson says March 17, A mushroom.

Ed says April 21, legroom! Slavko says May 3, a Broom. DJ says February 10, As easy as it was, I congratulate the maker of this. Dante says March 31, a mushroom.


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