All of those high point moments. But I think what I value right now in my career and my life is the process. So I guess some of the more high points in my career have been some of the biggest realizations.
For example, being kicked from CLG. When that first happened, it was something that was very unexpected. I had some resentment towards CLG on the fact that that happened and the reasons that it happened. As a leader on the Golden Guardians Academy team, how closely do you work with the main roster, as in developing game plans and strategy?
So, for example, now that its in the preseason, we do more internal scrims and we talk between players in terms of picks and strategies and things like that. When it goes to playoffs, they bring subs on and Golden Guardians likes to include the subs in review and working with the players. I think that Golden Guardians tries to incorporate Academy anywhere they can.
The difficulty is that both teams are scrimming full-time and both teams have their own matches. So it can be kind of hard to come together. But, for example, some teams like Cloud9 [work closely together]. Fudge and Licorice 1v1 all the time, so it kind of depends on the relationship you have on your individual counterparts.
I think solo lanes will do more 1v1s and talk about matchups. Same thing with bot lane and jungle. And then, depending on the org, they may include subs more in playoffs and have them be part of the scrim process a lot more than some other orgs would. You were known for your exceptional split-push carry style in the past. But as your career progressed, you became more known for sacrificing your own advantages to help your team.
How do you feel your personal play has evolved over the years to now? The concept of taking your ego out of the equation. He is known for playing a variety of champions throughout his long career but has especially been noticed for his eagerness to split push. Related Articles. Cloud9 vs. Darshan parts with Counter Logic Gaming after five-year run lol.
May [12]. Nov [11]. Dec [13]. Jun [14]. March 23, ZionSpartan and zig join. WildTurtle and NOthing12eal leave. Pixel joins as substitute. May 2, ZionSpartan and Shiphtur leave. May 2, ZionSpartan and Shiphtur join. Cruzerthebruzer and Goldenglue move to substitutes. October 20, ZionSpartan leaves. November 7, ZionSpartan joins.
Seraph leaves. January 17, Darshan joins from main roster. January 25, Darshan leaves for main roster. May 6, Darshan leaves. May 28, Darshan , FBI , and huhi join. Potluck Two-Way Player Coach rejoins. Inero Head Coach joins from main roster. Jimmy Two-Way Player Coach leaves for main roster. Darshan , Hard , and huhi will remain with the team for January 10, Darshan renames to ZionSpartan. November 23, ZionSpartan and Keith leave. Hard and Gorica 's departures are confirmed. December 3, Darshan joins.
Shernfire , Copy , and Isles ' joining is confirmed. Westrice Coach to Head Coach changes position. K1ng becomes active. October 31, Darshan is allowed to look for opportunities with other teams. NA Academy Summer. Darshan , Shernfire , Copy , k1ng , Isles , Westrice. NA Academy Summer Playoffs. NA Academy Spring. Darshan , Panda , Shiphtur , Benji , Lohpally.
Best Riven NA Tournament. A vs C9. A vs A vs NO. A vs DIG.