I've been looking for a Ditto for ages, and I cannot seem to find one I really really need one so that I can start breeding my Pokemon. Can someone tell me where I can find them in the wild? My Ditto has grown over 50 levels in the day care so far.
As a breeding Pokemon, I just leave it in there. Ditto Classification: the whore Pokemon. Can someone please tell me how the hell it is possible for me to have misread that thread title as "Where can I find a Dildo???
MattyFTM: Its ok. I forgive you. Also you can get them in cerulean cave. I found my ditto in the tall grass South of Goldenrod City, you can find Ditto, Abra and Drowzee in that grass also, somtimes there will be Pokemon Outbreaks, just go onto the Radio channel that has mary and Prof.
Oak, and Mary wil announce what pokemon snd where, somtimes it will be Ditto, but outbreaks are generally only rare pokemon User Info: penguin Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Where to find Ditto? Answered Where do i find ditto in route 47? Answered Ditto?
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