What type of agriculture is used in china

As food sovereignty is an important issue to the Chinese government, the production of grain crops has been strictly controlled and maintained to a high level to meet the basic nutritional needs of the population. However, mainly due to the rising living standards of the Chinese people, consumption patterns have shifted from a grain heavy diet to growing amounts of meat and other animal proteins, vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Domestic production of these value-added products experienced the highest growth rates among all types of foodstuff. It is mainly these value-added food products which were responsible for a dramatic increase in agricultural imports to China in recent years.

Imports of meat, dairy products, fruits, and nuts had the highest growth rates and saw another upturn in In contrast, both imports of bulk commodities, such as soybeans and cotton, and intermediate products, such as vegetable oils, hides and skins, which had increased considerably until , remained relatively flat thereafter. It is very unlikely that these bulk and intermediate products will regain their former market share in the future.

Another major shift has occurred among suppliers. While North America held a market share of roughly 30 percent in , with the United States alone accounting for about 26 percent, this share has declined to only 15 percent in , with a U. On the contrary, imports from the European Union and South America have increased and Brazil is now by far the largest exporting country of agricultural products to China. Value-added food products have the largest growth potential, as median income levels are forecast to experience steady growth.

However, competition among suppliers is strong and market participants need to adjust well to consumer preferences and market regulations to gain market share. This text provides general information. Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced in the text. Gross production value of agriculture. Agricultural output Major farm crops. Agricultural imports Import value of agricultural products.

Agricultural exports Export value of agricultural products. From when the Chinese government implemented a series of preferential agricultural policy of agricultural tax reduction or exemption, up to , nearly million farmers have directly benefited from them.

Subsidies policies In recent years, the Chinese government has released a series of policies and measures to stabilize the production of food and agricultural products. We implement strict farmland protection policy and abandoned land accountability system, and implement major grain-producing county incentives. To accelerate the development of modern agriculture and the substantially increase in labor productivity in agriculture, the state government has increased the subsidies for agricultural machinery purchase, which focus on subsidies for rice production mechanization, and the mechanization of oilseeds and cash crops, fruit industry, animal husbandry and fishery production.

At the same time, the country has also substantially increased the investment in irrigation and water conservancy facilities, and the infrastructure construction of cultivated land, and promoted the steady improvement in overall agricultural production capacity. The Introduction and implementation of a range of support and benefit agriculture policies have vigorously promoted the development of agriculture, and provided solid policy support for the production of food and agricultural products.

At the same time, cottonseed oil, sugar, fruit, vegetable, tea, meat, eggs, aquatic products and other major agricultural products have also achieved a comprehensive yield increase, which is the first time in recent 16 years.

Rural poverty population has substantially reduced, and China has become the first country in the world to achieve the MillenniumDevelopment Goals of halving of the abjectpoverty population. The quality of life of farmers is significantly improved, such as the level of consumption is constantly improved, the life of the peasants bids farewell to lack of food and clothing, and the farmers have achieved overall well-off, and is marching forward to a comprehensive well-off society.

The dietary pattern of rural residents is constantly improving, and the food consumption is becoming more diverse, and the proportion of grain consumption is gradually reduced, while the consumption of meat, poultry, eggs, milk, aquatic products and edible oil is increasing year by year, and as a result the nutritional condition of farmers continuously improve.

Currently, national effective irrigation area is With high-powered, multi-function, high-performance and agricultural machineries rapid growth, farm machinery and equipment structure is constantly optimized. In order to combat disasters, several measures had been taken, such as strengthened disaster monitoring and forecasting, released warning information in timely manner, formulated and improved disaster prevention and mitigation plans, and prepared material, financial and technical recourses ahead of time.

In recent years, crop pests and the animal disease prevention and the control technology have continued to make new progress, especially the creation of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N2 inactivated vaccines, recombinant H5N1 inactivated vaccine successfully developed in recent years are in a leading position in the world, which had been effectively putting the occurrence of animal diseases under control.

At present, the country has established , prevention and control organizations, which employed nearly 1 million people, with daily operation capacity of more than , hm2. Agricultural science and technology support and lead the development of modern agriculture China has placed agricultural technology innovation in a prominent position in the agricultural and rural work.

The consecutive nine No. The Central Government specified the strategic tasks of changing agricultural development mode, and accelerating the development of modern agriculture, and established the basic direction walking on the path of agricultural modernization of Chinese characteristics and proposed objectives and requirements of the overall strength of agricultural science and technology entering the world forefront, and issued a series of important policies and measures, and continuously push forward the reform and development of agricultural science and technology.

Technology's contribution to agricultural growth In order to achieve steady development of grain, relying on continuous decreasing arable land and water resources, or constantly increasing chemical fertilizers and pesticides is unsustainable, the fundamental way to solve this problem is to improve yields through technological innovation.

During the past 10 years, China's agricultural and rural independent innovation capability improved significantly, and their supporting lead role for the development of modern agriculture is obviously enhanced. In , the agricultural science and technology contribution rate reached Because of the tariffs imposed on U.

From January to August , Brazil exported 80 percent of its soybean production to China, up from 77 percent over the same period in Yield and total factor productivity are ratios of outputs to inputs, but they are not the same, and the distinction matters. Yield measures output per unit of a single input, for example, the amount of crops grown on a hectare of land. Yields can increase through productivity growth, but they can also increase by applying more inputs, called input intensification.

Therefore, an increase in yield may or may not represent improvements in sustainability. Total factor productivity captures the interaction between multiple agricultural inputs and outputs.

Ortiz-Bobea et al. As a result, TFP is a powerful metric for evaluating and monitoring the sustainability of agricultural systems. Download This Chapter. A Chinese family enjoys a leisurely visit to a park in the Cixi wetlands in Zhejiang Province. Chinese Government Prioritizes Productivity Growth China has had remarkable success in developing its agriculture sector since the Opening and Reform period began in Traffic in Beijing.

Keep Reading. The China-Brazil Connection Despite remarkable success in improving the productivity of its agriculture sector, by , China will likely only be able to meet 74 percent of it demand through productivity growth.

Kaufmann, D. Kharas, H. Brookings Institution.


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