What should a psychology abstract include

D; Rena Repetti, Ph. D; Ted Robles, Ph. D University of California, Los Angeles. However less is known about the impact of job stress on physical health and how current findings translate to clinically relevant outcomes in everyday life, such as susceptibility to the common cold. In an ongoing daily diary study, 68 adults 37 females completed measures of job stress and upper respiratory infection URI symptoms every day for eight weeks.

Preliminary analyses show that males who had busier days at work on average also endorsed a greater number of total URI symptoms. Additionally, males who reported lower perceived job security and less supervisor support were sick with upper respiratory infections on more days across the study than were those with greater job security and supervisor support. Among females, endorsing more busy days whether at home or at work was associated with greater endorsement of URI symptoms.

The findings expand our understanding of links between job stress and immune functioning by elucidating effects on a clinically-relevant health outcome. In addition the the abstract, you'll also write keywords that could be used to search for your paper. Journals often request author-supplied keywords in addition to providing database specific terms.

The abstract contains five basic parts :. Abstracts come in two flavors : unstructured and structured. Both contain the same information in the same order, but the structured one adds subheadings to organize the reading experience. Parts included in the abstract are in this order! Journals will mandate which form as well as maximum number of words.

Journals focusing on clinically-relevant work often prefer longer, more detailed abstracts -- usually structured -- with the explicit justification that busy health care professionals need to make informed decisions quickly and effectively, assigning the goal of decision-making tool to abstracts. This makes the impact of the abstract greater than a mere filtering device and increases the ethical responsibility of the writer to provide sufficient and accurate information.

In particular, do not overstate results and interpretation. Most psychology journals still favor the unstructured abstract, and that is what you will write for your research report. Overview Latest Topics Watch now.

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