You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site. I am not clear about style. What you wrote about style i. I agree. But, what is Style in Sociolinguistics? Please help me if you can…..
You raise an interesting point. There is a terminological distinction between register and style. Both are associated with a specific speech situation but whereas register often refers to the specific vocabulary chosen and expected in connection with a particular speech situation, style also includes grammatical variation cf.
Register, as the name suggests has some fix use of different types of dialects assigned with purpose or profession etc. For example we can use same style of communication with all teachers but we need to change the style while talking with a Clerk of our post office or the Warden of our hostel, in both the case we will use formal way of talking but still there will be a difference, specially while talking to a literate and an illiterate person.
Register is basically a style inside 'Style" which is closely or totally associated to some factors as mentioned above. Personally I found a peculiar difference between Style and Register, I realized that Style is more choice oriented, we have more options of whether to change or remain in the same style of communication but, Register differs in this way as we have less or no choice whether to use or not the 'Registered' dialects.
Jargon is very closely related to Register as it takes birth from the dialect used in Registers. As we know that Register is the style of using speech or dialect associated with some factors like profession, class, etc, accordingly there are some special set of words or morphemes that are fixed to a particular Register, For example the words like Cytoplasm, Cell, Nucleus are related to and are used in Biology, similarly Force, Energy, Displacement are words related to Physics, we normally do not use this word and as they have special purpose and field of usage.
Style and register in sociolinguistics 1. Introduction: Dialect, style and register are both ways of labeling varieties of language, although they function differently, they do, most of the time, appear similar because the same person may use different linguistic items to express more or less the same meaning on different occasion and the concept of dialect cannot extend to include such variation Hudson This is the relation between native speaker of standard and non-standard dialect, form that is a part of the standard speaker dialect is a part of a special register for non-standard speakers shifting according the speaker style.
Spolsky In contrast to dialect defined as varieties according to user chesihire, downes, beiber , they are also are a set of language items associated with discrete occupational or social group wardhaugh, We can say that saying jargon is an alternative term for register that is sometimes used for this kind of language as in terms used by surgeons, air plane captions, bank managers, sales clerks or jazz fans Splosky, As Ferguson states: people participating in recurrent communication situations tend to develop similar vocabularies, similar features of intonation and characteristics bit of syntax and phonology in these situations, he also added that its special items for recurrent objects and events and formulaic sequences or routine seem to facilitate speedy communication, other features apparently serve to mark the register, establish feeling of support , and serve other services similar to the accommodation that influence dialect formation, and by that; Register is special variety marked by special set of vocabulary technical terms associated with a profession or occupation or other defined social group forming part of its jargon or in-group variety, as they are most likely used on specific situation and with particular roles and status involved.
Jargons: label new and needed concept, establish bonds between numbers and or between members of the group, and enforce boundaries for outsides E.
They are also the varieties that are linked to occupational professions or topics are called registers E. Registers are characterized by vocabulary differences either by the use of particular words or by the use of words in particular kind of language being produced by the social situation, other factors connected to the situation in which language is being used, over and above occupation will also have linguistic effects 4. Factors effecting register use: 1. Whether written or spoken as informal or formal.
Literal variety and colloquial variety. Kind of subject matter; physical setting and occasions of language activity. Register differences: Register differences can be identifies in terms of the model of acts identity as much as the way of dialect differences. Each time we speak or write we not only locate ourselves in relation to the rest of the society, but we also relate our act to the rest 5. This scheme takes the form of the multidimensional matrix just like the map of our societies which we build our minds, So dialect shows who we are, whilst register show what we are doing Hudson, The dimensions on which an act of communication may be located are no less complex than those relevant to the social location of the speaker.
The first being impersonal addressed to someone with whom the writer only has formal relations, the second is personal. Another model has been proposed by Dell Hymes in which no less that thirteen separate variables determine the linguistic items selected by the speaker, each one of these models provide a framework within which any relevant dimension of similarity and difference can be located.
Power addressee in subordinate, equal or superior position than the addressor 6. Solidarity relatively in terms of relation form distance. In English speakers between themselves on these dimensions in relation to addressee largely by choosing among the alternative ways of naming the addressee; Mr.
Smith, John, Sir, Mate…etc. Registers as Discrete Variety: Registers do not seem to exist as a discrete variety, they do not seem to have any more reality than dialects for example it is easy that the selection of items within a given sentence reflect different factors depending on which items are involved. One item for instance may reflect the formality of the occasion while another may reflect the expertise of the speaker and the addressee, but the expression of theses dimensions is very dependent of each other so we may make four combinations in between two dimensions from one simple sentence: Formal, technical: we obtain sodium chloride.
Formal, non-technical: we obtained some salt. Informal, non-technical: we got some salt. In these sentences we notice that obtained is seen as formal word in contrast with got , While sodium chloride is technical expression in contrast with salt.
That suggest that different linguistics items are sensitive to different aspects of act of communication in the same way different items react to different properties of speaker. Register can only be seen as variety in the weaker sense of set of linguistic items which all have the same social distribution occur under the same circumstances although all models presented lay a great stress on the need for multidimensional analysis of registers.
Register as formality scale: One of the most analyzed areas where the use of language is determined by the situation is the formality scale. Linguistics textbooks may use the term "tenor" instead Halliday While defining "registers" more narrowly as specialist language use related to a particular activity, such as academic jargon.
There is very little agreement as to how the spectrum of formality should be divided. Printed unchanging language, such as Biblical quotations, often contains archaisms. Examples are the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America and other "static" vocalizations that are recited in a ritualistic monotone.